This user’s guide will
guide user through all the processes step-by-step from installation, using the
program, generating reports, and routine maintenance.
This application provides features to help user analyze root
cause, issue Corrective Action Request, tracking corrective action progress,
and manage Corrective Action Request status.
Special Features:
ü Easy Start – access all functions directly from a built-in Corrective Action Request management system flow chart. Major functions include:
§ Corrective Action Request (CAR) distribution list management
§ Preliminary root cause analysis
§ Distribute CARs via email or fax
§ Corrective action tracking and effectiveness verification
§ CAR status management
§ System failure mode and corrective action review
ü Quick CAR Status Overview – visualized executive summary
ü Built-in ISO9000 CAR form
ü CAR distribution management
ü Comprehensive CAR status reports (Pending, Closed, or Overdue etc.)
ü Integrate with QIT’s Production Quality Management System and Supplier Quality Management System.
ü Process Knowledge
§ History of typical system failure modes, root causes, action taken and verifications.
§ Discover hidden system problems
§ Provide and support system reviews (FMEA reviews or operational reviews etc.)
ü Employ Cost of Quality (COQ/COPQ) and System Risk and Priority Number (RPN) to direct improvement activities
Integrate Cost of Quality and Risk and Priority
Number in
§ Report and monitor Total Cost of Quality and Maximum Risk and Priority Number
Enhanced QITLink
§ Sync CARs among different users (e.g. customers or suppliers)
ü Action effectiveness verification
ü Improved Knowledge base to sum up the lessons-learned and the best practices to prevent problems and carry over the best practices to new product lines.
Improved user interfaces and built-in report templates.